Spamming aggregators? I use
Flog and
Full As A Goog as a sort of "headlines news service" -- both sites regularly poll the XML feeds of a range of MX-related blogs and show the latest entries of all in a single list. (This type of "aggregation" is a little different from readers such as
Philter's News Portal and
NewsMonkey, which present a range of feeds individually.)
Anyway, I like being able to quickly see the latest news from "everyone", and usually lean towards Flog because its display fits my browser windows better, but lately I've seen a lot more political evangelizing in the main list. (I don't know if this is intentional spam, or unintentional spam, but regardless, it comes across as a spamlike breach of the social contract.) As a result, I'll be moving more of my attention to Full As A Goog, because it lets me block out individual blogs while still aggregating varied entries together. I'll still check in on Flog, but the ability to choose my feeds has recently become a killer feature.
(For politics, most of us have enough respect for others to avoid "shoving out religion down their throats", but as
these threads show, each of us has to climb this same learning curve at our own pace. If you'd like to read debates, then
Democratic Underground,
Free Republic and
Little Green Footballs have tons going on. Me, I usually prefer to read news and commentary, and the better bloggers link out to opposing viewpoints so that you can get the best objections from all sides. I could debate most evangelists under the table (honest I could), so it's a little frustrating to keep getting chainmail and other ads advancing poor arguments in inappropriate forums... easier for me to block 'em out so I don't risk hurting their feelings.)
But if you're
really into politics, check Fark's
Photoshop Poster Contest... this is the most succinct, economical, and ecumenical commentary I've come across recently.... ;-)